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TROLLED BY THE GRUFFS short play script for kids with 5 characters

TROLLED BY THE GRUFFS is a short play script for kids with 5 characters. This play is a twist on the popular fairy tale "The Three Billy Goats Gruff."


Estimated run time: 12-14 minutes



TROLL: A mythical creature who enjoys gardening. 


YOUNGEST BGG: A little billy goat who likes to dance.


MIDDLE BGG: A medium sized billy goat who wants to eat some greens.


BIGGEST BGG: A large billy goat who can get violent.


WOLF: Police officer with the predator patrol. 


For more 5 actor scripts, check out these plays:


TOUCHED BY AN ALIEN short comedy script for 5 or more actors 

THE CAPTAIN AND THE CAT short comedy play for kids with 5 actors 

GOSSIP comedy script teen version for 5 actors 

UNICORN SNEEZES short funny comedy script for 4-5 actors 

PIRATES STAGE RIGHT comedy skit about stage directions for 5 or more actors 

POP ROCKS AND JOLT COLA short scene for 5 actors 

WE’LL ALWAYS HAVE AMARILLO full length play script for 5 actors 

WAITING ON TRAINS a script for 5 actors 

JOKES ARE NO LAUGHING MATTER short scene for 5 actors (male or female) 

THE SPIRIT OF ST NIC short Christmas skit for 5 actors 

CHRISTMAS TECH SUPPORT short comedy skit for 2-5 actors 


When you purchase a PDF, you may make as many photocopies as needed (but please do NOT repost the text online in any way). 

Purchasing a PDF of this script gives you the rights to use for: 

●  Auditions 
●  Classrooms 
●  Workshops 
●  Camps 
●  Acting Reels 
●  Videos (unpaid and not monetized) 

If you use the script in a paid performance where admission is charged or in a competition or a monetized video, please pay the royalty: 

This royalty covers all performances and monetized uses that occur within one month's time. 

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to get permission from your competition for the script before performing it. 

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