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My Digital Soul monologue for solo actor from stage play script

"My Digital Soul" is a monologue from the stage play script "James and the Giant Speech" by D. M. Larson

ISBN: 9798413246771 



ROSE: There are too many difficult choices in life. I’ve given up changing the world. I spent too many days barking up those trees. Now, I’m content to pay the bills and care for my family. But part of me still cares deeply for those causes I cried about in my youth. My heart still bleeds a little when there is an attack on my younger values. Can I work somewhere that does war with the ideals I once held dear? They destroy the very life I cherish, and claim they do no wrong. They show no regrets. They justify what they do. I try to ignore it. I know I shouldn’t. I know I should take a stand. But somehow the fight is all gone. What happened to me? When did I become all about numbers? Somehow my soul turned digital... mechanical… unfeeling... and cold.

I am sick of living in a cube! Why do I come here day after day? I don’t even see the point of what I’m doing. I spend each day getting pushed around by all of you. And all of you are getting pushed around by someone else. Do we even know why? Do we even care? As long as we get our paychecks, and as long as we get our vacation days, and our sick days, that’s all that really matters. Oh, and our retirement, which may not be there when we get old, and our medical insurance we can’t even use, because we can afford the bills it won’t pay. This is insane. Being here is an act of insanity. Day after day, doomed to repeat ourselves. Do we ever move forward? Do we ever make any progress? Does anyone really care what we do here? I know I don’t. I don’t care anymore. I’m done. I’m tired of putting my life on hold hoping for something they may never happen. And who knows if I can enjoy life later anyway? What if I’m sick? What if I get hurt? And I would look back at this time in my life and see this. This emptiness. This dead end. This abyss. So I’m giving my two weeks notice!





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