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Goodnight Princess play script for 14 to 24 actors Sleepless in Fairytale Land

“Goodnight, Princess”
(Sleepless in Fairytale Land)
By D. M. Larson


Main Cast (5)

NARA: A princess who can’t sleep.

CHAMBERLAIN: Lead royal assistant to NARA.

MIRROR: Magical person inside mirror who likes to tell jokes to NARA.

COOK: Prepares food for NARA.

MOON: Sits outside the window trying to sing NARA to sleep.

Supporting Cast (19+ or 9 with doubling)

*ROSE: Sleeping Beauty

*BAD: Bad fairy who made the spell that cursed ROSE.

*GOOD: Good fairy who turned the curse of ROSE into a sleeping spell.

*RED: Red Riding Hood

*WOLF: A wolf dressed as RED’s grandma

*BOY: A boy who cries “wolf!”

*SHEEP: Several dancing sheep that NARA tries to count to fall asleep

*ALICE: Of Wonderland

*MAD HATTER: Crazy person who serves pretend tea.

*QUEEN OF HEARTS: Wants to cut off NARA’s head.

*PEA: Princess who looks for a pea or something else that might be keep NARA awake.

*GOLDILOCKS: A light haired girl who wants to find something that is just right.

*PAPA BEAR: The father bear.

*MAMA BEAR: The mother bear.

*BABY BEAR: The baby bear.

*ANIMALS: Several cute critters who come to help SNOW clean.

*SNOW: Snow White

*RAVENNA: The Evil Queen who shares poison fruit.

*RIP: A wise old person named Rip Van Winkle.


5 main characters + 19 or more parts that can be doubled (24+ overall)

Most parts can be played by females.

*Parts that can be doubled and performed by a cast of 14.

BOY, MAD HATTER, PAPA BEAR and RIP could be played by 1 to 2 males.

ROSE, BAD, GOOD, ALICE, QUEEN OF HEARTS, PEA, SNOW and RAVENNA can be played by as few as 3 females)

SHEEP and ANIMALS could be played by 2 or more actors (the more the better)

RED, WOLF, GOLDILOCKS, MAMA BEAR and BABY BEAR can be played by 3 females.

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