Romantic Comedy script for around 7 actors - screenplay for movie, video, film - Editable Word document
When you purchase this version of the screenplay, you will not need to pay any additional fees for using the script in your video, film or movie.
With the purchase of this Word document, Freedrama allows you to edit and change the script in any way (add characters, change lines, etc.) as long as you agree to the following terms:
You will include the author, D. M. Larson, and the publisher, Freedrama.com, in all mentions of the script and will not give credit to another author for the script.
You will not repost your new version of the script online. If you post any part of the script online, you will be charged $40 per month for the time the text of the script appears on the internet.
Art by @lalakachu - https://www.instagram.com/lalakachu/