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The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School stage play script from 7 to 49 actors

This is a full length play about young adults who are dealing with the changes they are going through in life. The script can be an excellent tool for discussing issues that are important to teens as well as a tool for stimulating writing assignments. This play has a flexible cast from 7 to 49. This is a classroom use only version of the script. The royalty cost for performing the play is not included.

These scripts are published and protected by Copyright (c) 2001-2018.

When you purchase a PDF, you may make as many photocopies as needed (but please do NOT repost the text online in any way).

Purchasing a PDF of this script gives you the rights to use for:





If you use the script in a paid performance where admission is charged or in a competition, please pay the royalty:

This royalty covers all performances that occur within one month’s time.

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to get permission from your competition for the script before performing it.

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